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Company Surprises Chief with "Retirement" Celebration
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By Modena Fire News Room
December 17, 2023

On what started at 4am on normal Christmas Party day for the chief turned into an afternoon and evening for surprises.

The officers of the company planed this for months and somehow managed to avoid chief finding out, those who know Frank knows he would have shut this down fast if he would have found out.

Chief went home after cooking turkeys and setting up all morning around 1pm as crews where anxiously awaiting his departure, Not sure he was even out of the borough and operation Surprise Chief went into full swing. Crew put on their class A uniforms and took their positions.

Around 1:45 the call was placed, "the stove stopped working" we told the chief you need to come back, unfortunately chief had a certain choice of words and said I'm get a shower first, so with a little delay chief arrived at the station around 215 to coming across the bridge wondering why to road was closed and where the apparatus went to, next he seen our friend Mark Walch with his cameras set up and was like what's going on and then noticed the crew lined up in uniform across the street he said to his wife WTF and she said pull over there and shut up.

Chief took his position in front of the station and then the parade started, Modena units and additional crews led the parade followed by multiple other fire and EMS organizations, police departments, municipality vehicles, and local businesses. Following the parade the crew across the street was called to order by Assistant Chief Bryant and saluted the chief before being called to rest and embracing him with thanks.

But we weren't done yet (so he thought) next everyone went inside were Chief Bryant talked about some history of the company and where chief has taken us over his 20+ years and how he and chief started together in 3/4 boots riding tail board. Then he turned it over the chief's son Chris Corle who presented his with a trumpet award thanking him for everything, and that's when the emotional chief came out and tears started to fly, chief said a few words and talked about where the company was when he took over in 2002 and where we are now and where we're heading, he thanked everyone for their support over the years and thanked his wife for her support, he got chocked up talking about family as he certainly had his mom on his mind as she been ill the past few weeks, the crews embraced him in support, a lot of photo opp's followed and chief said you all got that out of your system can we party tonight, IF HE ONLY KNOW WE WHERE JUST GETTING STARTED.

As other friends, family, invited guest started to arrive for the "Chrismas party" and food was about ready EMS Supervisor Thomas asked everyone to have a seat quick, she introduced Senator Carolyn Comitta as a guest and wanted to say a few words, the senator said hello to the company and talked about meeting the twins and then said she had something for Pop pop, she pressed to present chief with a proclamation from the Senate of Pennsylvania thanking him for not only his years as chief but his 33 years of service as a volunteer.
Following the senator was Modena Borough President and Mayor who also presented the chief with a citation from the Borough of Modena.

So then it was time to eat and chief was moving around getting ready to hand out his awards for the 2023 year thinking he was done, not so fast chief.

Following dinner Chief Bryant again asked for everyone attention and said we got a few more surprises for Chief Dowlin introducing State Representative Dan Williams, Dan talked about what the volunteers save the state every year and how people with the years that the chief has are few and far between, Dan then presented the chief with anther citation from the House of Representatives Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Next up was Justin McClure the head of the Department of Emergency Services in Chester County, Justin started by apologizing to chief as he knows he absolutely hates being the center of attention, Justin then apologized on behalf of the county commissioners who wanted to attend but had family commitments, Justin then read yet anther citation this one from the County of Chester signed by the commissioners.

Next up was a old crew member and friend Brandon Dague who also asked Chief Corle and Reason to join the chief up front, Brandon talked about his years running here in Modena and about the admiring theway tradition was followed here, he said the one tradition is ones a chief always a chief so he then presented the chief with a new helmet front that read "Chief of Department" he also presented Chris Corle and Andrae Reason with new fronts for their helmets as the incoming Chief and Deputy, In honor of these three significant milestones, Brandon commissioned Bob Stella, renowned for his exquisite 23k gold leafed hand-painted helmet shields for the FDNY, Boston, and other major fire departments

Lastly to speak was our good friend Beau Crowding, Beau spoke of his days in the radio room and working with chief from that end as well as his days of deputy director of emergency service, and the continued relationship now with Belfor, Beau present the chief with some very nice gifts.

For those that don't know what all this was about the chief is stepping aside after 22 years as chief and proudly turning the horns over to his son Chris Corle, Although he not going away he is taking on some new rolls within the company for 2024 the officers and members wanted to show our appreciation for all his years of service.

The following were involved in the parade:
Fire Company's
Westwood, Coatesville Fire Department, Wagontown, West Grove, Oxford, Po-Mar Lin, Kennett, Avondale, Minques
Police Departments
South Coatesville, East Fallowfield, Coatesville City
other parade participants
Chester County Coroners Office (one of Franks Employers), Bigfoot Automotive, Pinky's Tow, Borough of Modena AFF Local 3790

Lastly a huge THANK YOU to Mark Walch from IrishEyez for set his time aside to capture this historical moment in our company's history.


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